The Disciples Path (Final)


July 16, 2013 by thedisciplespath7

Thought to ponder: Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season,

A time for every purpose under heaven.”


 Dear sisters, time is such a precious gift, and none of us seem to have quite enough of it these days! It has been my great joy to journey through God’s Word with you these past six months. I hope that this blog has served as an encouragement to you to highly value and prioritize your time in His Word as your spiritual nourishment each and every day. Knowing that each of us have countless demands placed on our time, I have chosen to stop The Disciples Path daily writings. I totally enjoyed the journey and want to thank each of you who participated and especially those who commented. May each of us grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Love, Wendy

9 thoughts on “The Disciples Path (Final)

  1. Lynn G says:

    yes, Wendy it has helped. thank you very much for your sacrifice of time.

  2. Barb says:

    Yes, Wendy, I’ve enjoyed reading your daily blogs. I even copied your comments (? day) when you gave a great primmer on how the Gospel came to Europe via Paul, Wycliffe, Tyndale & Gutenberg. Loved it! I hope this posts. Just am not technically wired and sometimes am inhibited to comment based on that insufficiency. Love you and am so glad you introduced me to MacArthur’s daily Bible. I enjoy it so much. Have even decided to study post-exilic books with the boys this next school year, using study material from John MacArthur. So much to learn about character traits in tough situations beginning in Daniel all the way through to Nehemiah. Love in Christ, Barb

  3. Vickie says:

    Wendy, I have really enjoyed your blogs and learned a great deal. I totally understand the time issue and don’t know how you did it this long. I will try my best to be faithful to read to the end! Thank you so much. Love you, Vickie

  4. Sylvia White says:

    Wendy, Thanks so much for your time and commitment to the daily blog. I will miss your comments as they added so much to my understanding of the daily reading, but I sure do understand the time issue. Hope you enjoy the summer and time with your family. Love you, Sylvia

  5. Robin says:

    Dear Wendy, thanks for encouraging me to read through this year when I had every excuse not to! I enjoyed your blog and the community of others walking with me! What a blessing you are!

  6. Robin says:

    I also wanted to admit that your blog was always a reward for finishing my daily reading… Perhaps that sounds wrong, but I certainly looked forward to your ponds rings and lessons kind of like dessert!

  7. Kenda Lewis says:

    Thank you Sweet One, for pouring yourself out on our behalf. You are my example as you serve others with a Godly zeal and love, often at your own expense. When I think of you Beloved, I am always reminded of Paul when he said in Corinthians “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”
    Every one who knows you agrees with me wholeheartedly. Press on, running your race with joy! We may not be in your rear view mirror, but we are following 🙂 All my love and prayers, Kenda

  8. kelly34731 says:

    Wendy, I haven’t been following faithfully through these past six months, but I intend to pick up and start. It’s a comfort to know that your words will be here when I do. Thank you for your hard work. You are loved and appreciated. Kelly

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